Circuit Solarium @ Illumination NYC 2024

For Illumination NYC’s third year, Whitt and his friend Jon created the Circuit Solarium Cube as the main performer and music stage for the festival. The festival ran from 7pm to 11pm for three nights, 5/02 - 5/04. Each night Whitt and Jon created a unique show with movement reactive visuals and interactive, immersive worlds.


Guest Performers


Physical Installation Design and Fabrication


System Architecture, Show Control Blueprint, OBS Scene

Above is a diagram of our hardware and software setup for the stage, as well as screenshots of the show control system I built for the unreal engine experience, and an image of the OBS setup for switching between the different visual sources. We used 3 computers networked together in order to distribute computation tasks as best we could before consolidating visual output back onto a single machine and finally outputting to the projectors.

Whitt's Desktop ran his Unreal Engine experience featuring a digital twin of the stage, virtual set pieces, and interactive VFX. Jon's laptop ran his TouchDesigner project using a webcam feed for light painting and mediapipe body tracking effects, with output textures and data shared over the network to the desktop. Whitt's Laptop ran MicrodoseVR as a third visual program to layer with visuals from the other two computers, or to use when no performers were on stage. Visual output from this program was also shared over the network back to Whitt's desktop, which used OBS to manage which visuals were being output to the projectors.

The TouchDesigner project on Whitt's Desktop analysis data from the VR trackers on his Dragon Staff, and acts as a pass through for osc messages coming from Jon's laptop to reduce the number of active OSC servers in Whitt's UE experience. There is the beginnings of a Chataigne project in the repo for communicating with the staff LEDs, but ultimately this wasn't used during the show as we are able to dedicate enough time to building it out.


Unreal Engine Interactive Experience Screenshots